// creating theatrical photography & video / bodies & paint & pixels // ♥♥♥
Proto-Rev0lut10nary Gl1zz M4n1festo
We c0me w1th gl1zz, 4n edge case 0f fr3ED0m dr1pp1n’ sauc3.
H4lf-bak3d, but we’ll eat 1t.
Th1s 1s f0r th3 m1spl4c3d, th3 h4ck3rs 4nd dream3rs,
Free cod3rs 4nd gl1zz chasers, burn1n’ br1ght 1n th3 gl1tches.
Th3 n0w 4nd th3 n3xt,
N0t w41t1ng f0r p3rm1ss10n t0 r3wr1t3 th3 t3xt.
F34r n0 err0r, refuse the patches.
Th1s 1s the sh1zz. 0ur m1ssion: d1srupt 4nd r3pl4c3.